由bqo4psj8创建,最终由small_q 被浏览 16 用户
import dai
df = dai.query("""
date, instrument,
IF(price_limit_status = 3,1,0) AS _zt,
If(m_sum(_zt,10) = 1,1,0) AS _firstzt,
open/m_lead(close,-1)-1 AS _jump,
If(_jump > 0.04,1,0) AS _jumphigh,
close/open-1 AS _positive,
IF(_positive > 0.04,1,0) AS _bigpositive ,
IF( _zt = 1 and _jumphigh = 1 and _bigpositive = 1 and _firstzt = 1,1,0) AS judge,
IF(judge = 1, m_lead(close,1)/close-1, 0) AS return1,
IF(judge = 1, m_lead(high,1)/close-1, 0) AS returnhigh,
IF(return1 < 0 and returnhigh > 0,1,0) AS tr,
IF(return1 > 0,1,0) AS po,
IF(returnhigh < 0,1,0) AS pp,
IF(m_lead(open,1) < close and return1 > 0,1,0) AS 低开正收,
IF(m_lead(open,1) < close and return1 < 0,1,0) AS 低开负收,
IF(m_lead(open,1) > close, 1,0) AS 正开
FROM cn_stock_prefactors ,
WHERE list_days > 260
and st_status = 0
and list_sector < 3
and is_risk_warning = 0
and suspended = 0
and line_price_limit = 0
QUALIFY judge = 1
ORDER BY date,instrument""",
filters={"date": \["2024-04-01", "2024-04-30"\]},